Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Alternatives to Adsense that Can Help Your Site Profit [article from Articleranks]

Alternatives to Adsense that Can Help Your Site Profit

The net is now heavily populated with some very excellent alternatives to Google's Adsense program. Make no mistake, there is even more you can do with the incredible selection of affiliate products you can promote. But it is true that Adsense has a lot of history behind it, and it has been around for almost ten years, now. But this is all good news for affiliate marketers and publishers because of the sheer volume of options. We would like to share three alternatives to Adsense just to give you a good example.

One well regarded alternative to Adsense that many marketers favor is Bidvertiser. If you use this service, you'll find that it's quite versatile and gives you some unusual options. You have the option, for instance, of designing ads to your own specifications. You have a great deal of control regarding the size and look of the ads you publish. You may, however, not want to get too carried away in this regard.

The ad blocks you see all over the internet that are published through Google's Adsense have become the accepted norm. While some internet users might like to see something new, others might avoid ads with an unfamiliar look. There's no simple answer, you have to test your own ads and see what works. . Many online marketers applied with Yahoo's Publisher Network when they talked about releasing it. What happened is that people wanted to use it, of course, yet they did not receive any kind of notice from Yahoo. The biggest search engine on the planet is no stranger to seeing something they like, in another search engine, and then they come out with something similar. Many of them are simply copies of Adsense, and that is probably true of Yahoo's contextual ad platform. With the way things have been with Yahoo, one wonders if the YPN will become reality. Yes, if you have read that it is in beta, well so have we so who really knows. You never know, so if you believe it will happen then you can submit your application with them.

ContextAd is another alternative worth looking at if you have physical inventory in your business. Such a strange model, to me, but they do a best fit scenario between your inventory and advertisers. ContextAd has its own software program that will find a best fit match between your inventory and a good advertiser - what a concept this is. Going still further, they will use certain matching methods that take keywords and other criteria into account. We do like this very much, and if your business fits this model, then you should give them a call. This is by no means an exhaustive list of alternatives to Adsense revenue generation. It is so easy because you can run some tests before deciding what to use on your sites. This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on drop in range.

tags:profitable choices,adsense,Alternatives To Adsense,google adsense,clicksor,marketers,affiliate marketers,internet marketers

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