Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Discussion About 3 Prevalent Symptoms of Autism [article from Articleranks]

Discussion About 3 Prevalent Symptoms of Autism

What symptoms are indicitive of autism? Almost every parent with a child who could be autistic wants to know the symptoms to look for. The reality is that some signs of autism can be found in normal children too making diagnosis rather difficult. We will discuss a few of the more common autism symptoms here.

Research has shown, and mothers know, that an infant has a normal need to be held, cuddled, and touched by other people. It's a well known symptom with autistic children that they would rather not be touched, and some can react violently when they are touched. It would be something obviously out of the ordinary when a baby or very young child clearly doesn't even want the mother to touch them. This behavior with avoidance of touch is not unusual at all, and of course there are other symptoms, as well. Some professional efforts to design therapies to help the autistic child get used to and accept touch are in effect, but to date it is not entirely known the extent of their effectiveness. Sometimes an autistic child/adult has very strong feelings about others entering what they consider to be their space. It is also routinely observed that the child has a very high level of sensory sensitivity to light or sound. Anything that is of a sensory input nature can spark an extreme fear reaction from an autistic child. There are some researchers who feel the autistic child's brain works completely different. Interestingly enough, not everyone who has these kinds of unusual light and sound sensitivities is an autistic person. But this condition with sensory input also exists in people with Asperger's Syndrome, and they are considered the highest functioning form of autism. What needs to be done for the child is do all you can to eliminate the particular offending sensory stimulus.

Some autistic children show remarkable talents, and that is true of autistic adults as well. Autistic savant is the term applied to these people. Some of the more well-known talents are in areas of math, music, and even painting.

One thing that has changed over the years is these gifted autistics who were once known as idiot savants are now called autistic savants which is more compassionate and accurate. What is known, now, is they do not see the world as others do, and yet they are just as intelligent as the rest of us. However, retardation does occur with some autistic children and adults. But what fascinates people about the autistic savant is their particular ability does seem to be inborn, or pre-existing.

Those with autism will display a wide range of behaviors and symptoms. The extremes go from not being able to hold a conversation to being able to hold a job, or start a family. As research continues on the causes and symptoms of autism, the better we will be able to understand this condition. These are the most common symptoms of autism, although there are many others.This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on women owned business grants.

tags:women owned business grants,Austism,Austism symptoms,Austism signs,Health,Austism tips,Austism method

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