Senin, 04 Juli 2011

The Following Social Networking Mistakes Will Hurt Your Online Business [article from Articleranks]

The Following Social Networking Mistakes Will Hurt Your Online Business

Social networking has exploded over the course of the last half decade. What started as just a couple of networks has since become hundreds of networks. All of those networks are dedicated to helping you make connections with other people. There are networks created for helping you find people from your past. There are networks built to help you connect with other professionals in your field. There are networks built around different hobbies. There are even networks built to be a home to smaller networks! Figuring out how to leverage all of these different online venues can be difficult. You can definitely help build your business with social networking. You just have to be smart about it.

The most important word In "social networking" is not networking. The most important word in "social networking" is social. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc operate on the basis of being social avenues for people to connect with each other. Each network is built around a specific purpose. Facebook, for example, is about helping people connect with people from their past. The entire network was built around the idea of yearbook connections. When it was launched you needed to be a member of a registered school to even have an account. Sure it is used for a lot more now, but it is important that you not forget its intended purpose: to connect with others. People join these networks to have conversations with others. They do not want to be bombarded with spam and advertising messages. In fact, going too crazy too soon on one of these networks is likely to get your account banned!

If you have a personal account on some of the social networks, keep this separate from the profiles you will build for your business and/or products.

You do not want to get these two confused. While it is okay to let down your guard and to be informal it is not a good idea to let the lines between business and fun get confused. Remember you do still want people to respect you. How well do you think they will respect you if they see the photos that your friends post from that bachelor party or see the way you talk to your sister when you're mad?

It is especially important that you respond to the comments that people send to you through these networks. Even if your status updates are minimal, responses to direct contact should be high. If people can see that you respond directly they will be more likely to forgive a lack of general updates on your profile. It also shows that you care more about the people who follow you than those who might just be stumbling in. These things all help build trust. When you get people to trust you they are more likely to buy from you. This means that you stand to make more money.

Social networking is a great way to earn money online. They provide unique methods for promoting your products and services. They allow you to be informal and to really get to know your potential buyers. This can help you make better products and provide better services. These better products and services mean that you will be earning more money.

Isn't that the goal most Internet Marketers have? Isn't one of your major goals to earn as much money as you can? Social networking, when leveraged properly, can help you do exactly that. So what are you waiting for?This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on giant stuffed animals.

tags:giant stuffed animals,social networking,social networking tips,internet marketing,social networking methods,social networking mistakes,social networking pro,online business

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