Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

What are the Greatest Fixes for Bed Wetting? [article from Articleranks]

What are the Greatest Fixes for Bed Wetting?

There are several instigators for teenagers and adults having bed wetting syndromes, and it's always a great idea to have a medical professional check into it to rule out serious issues. In spite of the instigators for wetting the bed, though, it can be a hard, even disturbing experience. There are options for successfully taking care of this issue, however, and in this article we will review some of these options.

It's well known that bed wetting can occur in older people, just as it does with the very young. It can be a by-product of Alzheimer's, a side effect of many medications or simply having weakening bladder muscles. In some cases, however, this can be improved by doing certain exercises to improve the muscle tone of the bladder. Just as more older people are now going to the gym to keep their bones and muscles strong, there are specific exercises that can help the bladder regain some of its strength. The simplest of these exercises is to squeeze the bladder several times every day. However, other exercises can also be beneficial, so you should ask your doctor or find a health practitioner who is familiar with such exercise programs. One simple way to treat bed wetting is by using an ordinary alarm clock. While there are various devices that wake you up when you start to urinate, these can be expensive and uncomfortable. Another solution is to estimate when you usually have the bed wetting incident, and set the alarm ahead of this time. Then you can get up and use the bathroom. Over time, you may find that you wake up when you need to without needing the alarm clock. This method of treating bed wetting can be helpful, although if there are other problems causing the bed wetting symptoms, they must also be treated of course.

In cases of adult bed wetting, the solution often involves effectively treating a medical problem that is causing it. One of the most common causes of bed wetting in adults are bladder or urinary tract infections.

While these are not usually serious if they are promptly treated, if ignored they can become more serious. Therefore, if you suddenly have bed wetting symptoms for no known reason, it's a good idea to visit your doctor as soon as possible. You may have an acute infection of some kind, and in this case there is medication that will most likely be able to clear it up quickly, which will also put an end to your bed wetting problem. In summary, bed wetting is not something to be ashamed of, as no one does it because they want to. It is always the result of a physical or psychological problem that has to be addressed. The above bed wetting solutions may work for you, but it's important to work with your health practitioner to make sure any related conditions you have are being treated as well.This information was brought to you by http://www.spectrumlighting.org, your source for all things related on spectrum lighting.

tags:spectrum lighting,bet wetting,bed wetting solutions,wetting the bed,bed wetting treatments,bed wetting prevention,bed wetting symptoms

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